Jonathans Brother Zac..........

Zac has decided to break away from the famous (and in his opinion insipid) shadow of his brother Jonathan Livingston blah blah.... and now leads a band of warrior seagulls reigning terror on tourists and chip bearers that visit the hill @ Hastings Point....a profession he professes to be rather awesome and so much fun.

It really is exhausting running around after seagulls in the was one of those days where the sky and the sea almost melt together on the horizon.
It was gorgeous up the coast walking along the rocks looking out to the misty loveliness ......well worth sharing my chips and getting soaked for.

AN: The phone has been found (after much nashing of the teeth) by a lady down the road.

“He was not bone and feather but a perfect idea of freedom and flight, limited by nothing at all”
Richard Bach

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