Day 9...Terry the Turtle

A few things really touched me today.
We stopped off in Napier it was a cloudy and cold for us who had come from the semi tropics.
It was a nice little town but the Aquarium was the highlight………I spent heaps of time adoring the faith penguins…they were just sooooo sweet. Then there was the sea horses…….how fascinating are they……I never knew they had a wing on the back of them….come to think of it I have seen it in pics but to up close and personal to many of them was such a treat…they really are just amazing.
However the star of my show was Terry…….the oldest inhabitant of the Aquarium and obviously much loved.
I mean how could you not love him..that ancient and beautiful face.
So let me introduce you to Terry.
The rest of the day was lovely just poodling around.
Going to bed early tonight to have a brisk start tomorrow……….we will be in Tauranga tomorrow……..Rotarua is the other place on my bucket list……….the geysers!…… will be wonderful I am sure.
Oh yes! the sunset was rather low key but still very lovely.

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