
By Madchickenwoman

Ouch Walk!

Yes pain still here! Kept busy which helped - 3 desserts made for the meal safari- Slut Red Chardonnay Jellies, Banoffee Pie and Seville Orange Marmalade Cake with orange syrup and a Mascarpone and Greek yogurt frosting!!! ( you might have realised now why my tooth aches - it's a very sweet tooth!) 
Now off round village to eat! 
May write more later if time or can be bothered or pain needs managing and need to do something to take my mind off it! 
Nearly blipped a happy duck and if had time might have changed my mind and blipped it - but it can be seen here as part of my short "Ouch" walk with Portly Lucy this morning!! Cold wind by river  sent me quickly home with a lot of pain! Not really happy with this  one as the 2 ducks blurred but I still prefer it so it 's being blipped! 

Well eve not going quite as planned! Friend came over faint at first house- now asleep on party girls bed and everyone gone onto next house for main course! I am monitoring friends pulse and breathing ! Great night out this has become! At least I can browse blip- found 2 chicken blips so far which has cheered me up a little!

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