
By Madchickenwoman

March WWW

Only Nellie of the Woods and Angel for the walk today, but plenty of dogs! It was another gorgeous day, not even cold opening the chickens first thing - even did some digging of clumps of grass off my beds which the girls eagerly scratched and pecked their way through!
As the other two were short for time we went round the river bank, Portly Lucy and Connie the Angels dog were quite happy to be together, but then Molly her half sister arrived, much chasing between the two collies with Lucy staying close by my heels!   At the point we left the river to walk back to the village by the road there were 6 dogs, all milling around having a grand old time!  Molly got very interested in Lucy all of a sudden and kept circling round her like the good sheep dog she is! I think she didn't actually know what Lucy was - suspecting her to be a miniature sheep! 
We then bumped into Action man ( he likes to do jumping off tors with a parachute, climbing etc and was my photographic companion on the Boswinger holiday! ) and his wife, so all went into the Angels garden  for a drink. Lovely view up the valley and interesting conversation about toothache, shipping laws, Alzheimers, respect, especially in schools and, forgive me, how "the younger generation" perceive it as being due to them yet have none for others !!!!! I also realised Lucy, who had decided sitting on my lap was called for,  looked just like the dog off Esther Rantzen who used to say "sausages"!!!
So home to do a bit of cleaning and then a little snooze in the sun! More views of the walk and fine teacups here plus those ever bizarre Muscovy ducks, and the puddings from last nights Safari! What else was I supposed to do whilst waiting for them all to return?!!!
Dentist to be called in the morning! Promise!

P.S. that is the Calstock Viaduct behind the Muscari!!

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