Proud Weegie

By Shiv


This evening No 3 made her First Reconciliation.   The next step on her way to making her First Communion next year.

In my day it was called 'First Confession' - and we were all terrified !   

These days it's not trendy, or even socially acceptable, to practise a religion, which makes it difficult for parents who do.  I brought my girls to church with me since they were very small - because that was the way I was brought up.  I have received a lot of comfort from going when my parents died, or when I was very worried about things.  Sometimes my big girls  have been reluctant to go, and I suspect going to Mass is a 'guilty' secret they don't tell their friends.   

Thankfully my friends are very supportive whether they agreed with us or not and when the big girls celebrated their special day and made their First Communion - all our friends joined in to celebrate with us.

I was very proud of No 3 and the other children this evening.  They said 'Sorry',  and sat with their family afterwards.  We even bought No 3 a Beano !!! 

Here she is with her special Candle.

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