Dr Jones

By jones

A cracking day of rugby

Bibi had to be at the club by 8am where she was meeting Suzanne. They were going to the Wey Sprints to race. I put our v bars on Fiona’s car and they strapped both kayaks to the roof of the car. I then went to Kingston for a while. Penny called to say that she wasn’t feeling very well so I called Kitty to cancel her piano lesson.
At 12:30pm, Jack and I settled on the sofa to watch the Wales vs Italy game.  The tournament title could be won by Wales, Ireland or England. It was an incredible day of rugby with 221 points scored in the three matches.  Jack and I ended up on the sofa for three hours and the tournament was won by Ireland.

Bibi stayed at Suzanne’s house tonight and Ben cooked curry for the rest of us. At the races, she came 3rd in the 1000m, she fell in in the 500m and came 2nd in the 200m.

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