Looks Good To Me

By Pilipo

Balancing Act

It hasn't been a very productive day. I haven't done anything on my to-do list -- yet.

I went back to sleep for a couple of hours after turning off the alarm, then moped around not feeling like doing anything. I finally decided I needed some fresh air, so I drove into town and went to the Re Store. 

I was only going to get a piece of dowel for a little project for my favorite sister-in-law, but couldn't resist a beautiful piece of hardwood. It was in an unusual location and I only found it by chance. I'm not sure what species it is.

The hummingbirds have been very actively feeding outside our window lately -- Anna's and Rufous -- and I realized I hadn't done a hummer blip for a long time. So here's a female Anna's balancing on one foot.  

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