Here & There

By UncagedKiwi

Harbour Protest

This afternoon hundreds of boaties got out on the harbour to protest against Ports of Auckland’s proposal to reclaim more of the Waitemata harbour with a massive extension to the Bledisloe Wharf. There were all shapes and sizes, from large motor launches to tiny sea kayaks and dinghies  bobbing in the wake of the others. Even Steinlager 2, winner of the Whitbread Round-the-World race in 1989-90 was there. The proposal would (when large ships would be tied up to the extended wharf) completely obstruct this view of the harbour entrance, not to mention the narrowing of the harbour channel itself. Progress with proper planning and public consultation is one thing, but apparently the resource consent for this plan was snuck through pretty much without anyone noticing.  
It is interesting looking at old maps and realising how much of the waterfront is already on reclaimed land and seeing how far back the original coastline lies. 
The harbour and the waterfront are the appealing features of Auckland, the "City of Sails", one of it's greatest assets. To lose more of the waterway could be a backward step that cannot be reversed.
I can understand the call for restraint in making hasty changes.

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