Sunset with trees

Apologies for the rather brief notification yesterday of the solar eclipse but little time before then. Some wonderful shots on blip: I've put a closer one of mine on Instagram. See link the other day - 17 March.

Today was spent on Day 6 of pre service training for people wanting to become members of the National Children's Panel. Meant we missed the glorious sunshine and, in the afternoon, the rugby. I've put some photos of the presentations by WhoCares?Scotland on my Twitter account. Very powerful and thought provoking session.

Back home just in time to see the end of the epic England \ France match. My Irish side was pleased with the overall 6 nations result but the Scottish sides hopes for better finishing in the months ahead.

Then off to an am- dram production of the Gondoliers. We've been supporting this group for 20 years and this was the best yet!

Just time to catch the setting sun on my way home from training.

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