
By Appreciation

The V & A today. I can't begin to describe my delight at the exhibits. The Jewels, the Photography and the incredible Ballgowns. I had so little time yet I gained so much. A cool drink in the garden cafe met with more style icons. It's so wonderful to see such diversity.

The architecture around Kensington is elegance personified. The old and new mixing so well I thought. A quick glimpse around the Albert Hall - I had agreed to meet a friend there, just at the point when a World Salvation Army conference was coming out. Thank goodness I had choosen not to wear a crispy white linen shirt as she would never have spotted me. My orange and purple parrot top meant I was easily spotted in a sea of white. I waited, basking in the glow from the Prince Albert Memorial, and then all too quickly my visit was over and I was stuck on the train again.

I will return.

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