Reasons to smile...

By Lauraiea

Kelpie Tales

I think I've written before that I find it really odd we have Kelpies in Falkirk (or Grangemouth, depending on who you speak to.)

They aren't very friendly creatures:

"The Kelpie was also known to lure humans, especially children into the water to kill and eat them. It usually does this by encouraging children to ride on its back, where its skin becomes sticky - almost adhesive - and it then drags them to the bottom of the water to devour leaving only the heart or liver."

The Kelpies each have a wee moat of water around them so I don't think we can actually touch them very easily, and I wouldn't try to, knowing they might run off with me attached and drown me!

A nice wander anyway. I got my dad to take my photo as if a Kelpie was nibbling my head but it didn't work out very well. I also tried to take a selfie with a Kelpie whispering in my ear, but again, that didn't work out great. And i tried to get one of me poking it on the nose. Again, failed.

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