Steve and his entourage
Had a super Skype session with our family today. Beck said "Nanna" and "Granddad" (well actually it was more like "Nanda") for the first time.
He seemed to think Granddad's sling contraption thingy (to rest his shoulder after it was dislocated a week last Monday) was hilarious and couldn't stop chuckling. Kai seemed to have the impression that Grandad's arm had been chopped off and sewn back on again. I can remember his dad at about the same age, asking a friend of ours who had only one arm, how he'd lost the other. The chap explained that it had been trapped in machine, and our son then asked him "Can I look at the gammy end?" Aren't children lovely? He then proceeded to show him. Our son was fascinated, and never bother asking about it again, as his curiosity was satisfied.
This is Steve who lives in our village, and is a regular sight out and about especially when the sun shines. I know Nikonabike and Technophobe have blipped him last year, but I haven't photographed him before. And he did stop and ask the horse to prick its ears up especially for me.
One of those little dogs in the cart is called Ziggy, the same as one of our boys. Another is Ziggy's mother and the other is another brother or sister I think - but I can't remember their names.
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