
Is so not for me!! 

I was rudely awakened at 4am by one of my neighbours... clearly drunk and thought it would be a fun thing to press the buzzers when they came in. Yeah great, cheers. I refrained from going down at 7.30am when I got up and pressing their buzzer only just cause I'm not that childish most of the time.

I went to the calligraphy course today. The lady who took it was very nice but I'm pretty sure I could have learned all I learnt today from the book my Mum bought me. Schools suck. The chairs are quite possibly the most uncomfortable thing I've sat in for quite some time. The desks were badly laid out and I had two legs prohibiting me even getting anywhere close to the table. 

While I'm having a whinge, my shoulder hurts. I tend to carry a whole load of unnecessary shite stuff in my handbag and of late I've stopped doing that. However, on Friday I took my camera bag and my tripod to work and then I went for shopping on the way home from work. I suspect I've broken something. I can't actually get my arm above my shoulder... washing my hair this morning hurt! I think maybe I need to go see someone about it. 

Never mind... on the plus side I've done all my housework, I've got provisions for dinner, I've made my salad for lunch and I'm all organised for an early night and a walk to work! I collected my FitBit from my folks last night after collecting them from the airport. I managed to leave it there last week so I've effectively not moved for a week. Result though, they had a great holiday without any hospital visits!  Success!  Ha!

This is my cat, Pepsi. I'm not sure I've mentioned her for a while!  Haha!

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