
This is the leg belonging to my Mum. Today she fell of her bike again and has broken her collar bone, on the other side this time just for a little variety and her femur which is resulting in a whole new hip. She's okay, in a bit of pain understatement of the century and waiting for surgery, hopefully on Monday. At least we can be sure they'll operate on the correct leg... could the arrow be any bigger?

I'm buying her a set of stabilisers. Or a tricycle!

It's thrown a bit of a spanner in the works with the trip 10 days away, my Dad won't be able to come. Accidents happen on a ridiculously frequent basis where Mum is concerned but it could have been worse and I have no doubt that her gritty determination will have her up and about before we know it. The bionic woman is indeed superwoman.

Get well soon Mum and stop worrying! x

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