Dear Diary,
Emerson always finds the warmest places to curl up for a nap. He, like most cats, prefers a nice sunbeam. In the morning, that is usually in the downstairs bathroom which faces east and in the afternoon it is in the upstairs guest room which lets in the late afternoon sunbeams.
Now this reminds me of how my grandmother use to tell me about my preference for sunbeams. When I was just a baby, she would put me on the floor on a quilt in the kitchen where the sun came in. As the sun moved across the floor, I would roll to stay in its warm light.
I still have a natural attraction to sunlight although now I am liberally smeared with SPF45! There is something about sunlight that is so energizing, so life affirming. It seems that Emerson shares my sentiments.
Keep your face to the sun and you will never see the shadows.
Helen Keller
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