Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady


Breagh chilling in the yard this afternoon. I chucked the dogs out of the house and hoovered and mopped the floors. Came out to find a lot of the dogs sun bathing and the youngsters playing with random objects that had become toys!! Breagh is going to be my main lambing dog this year I'm hoping she is fit enough. I have upped her feeding to make sure she can maintain weight as she we will be very busy. I lamb outdoors so I need a good dog for the task. I need one that will stay out the way when they are told, come and be in the way when they are told and even to catch hold of ewes by their neck wool so I can catch them. She also needs to be able to catch lambs which is usually done by her knocking them off their feet. She needs to hold her ground when ewes stand their ground and turn and stamp their feet in defence of their little ones. Its all a very fine balance and not an easy job for just any dog. Breagh is definitely not just any dog!!

I am on my own tonight as husband has headed off to his fathers place and then tomorrow the two of them are off to look at a potential new bull for our farm. Well I say on my own but with 9 dogs you are never really alone!!!

9c W 6mph cold wind, sunshine with the very occasional shower.

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