
By Madchickenwoman

Oh crap!

Well I went. Toothache barely there today but tooth above been sensitive since saturday when I had bread which unbeknown to me was seeded and one seed made it to the bad side of my mouth and I bit down on it - ouch! She looked, she prodded, put photographs on the screen that made me want to throw up and close my mouth in shame at the state of my teeth. She said my symptoms were contradictory and she would need to take X-rays and give to Root Canal Specialist. My anxiety level went through the roof! I asked to put in the x-ray plates myself as I was close to doing the flight/fight response and my instinct was to run and I needed to be in control! So much fiddling and xrays taken, with both dentist and assistant telling me how well I was doing which made me feel even more pathetic! My hands were shaking and I needed to move, so I got out my camera and took photographs till my mind stilled! Then back in the chair for bite and cold testing. I swear she said the stick she sprayed was -50 degrees, well only the top tooth registered it - which apparently just added to her confusion as to which tooth was the problem originally! 
I get the result wednesday but she has already stated I have 5 other teeth needing attention, I grind my teeth due to an overbite and this has finally started to fracture my teeth! I have got a tooth guard for this but my teeth have changed shape and it no longer fits so I have not been using it! So she recommends sedation with the date rape drug in Plymouth! You can imagine how I am now feeling! I went to the supermarket for soup and a soft roll for tea and half way round the shock wore off a little and I wanted to cry! But didn't - yet! I think I will later when it all sinks in.
Such a shame as I had some  photographs from a very strange walk that were possibly going to knock the B&W photo I was going to blip of the dentists chair for monomonday! As it is I have done a collage as one photo not enough for todays news! The happy bright door and the doom of the black and white dental room! 
But I will just mention the strange walk - saw a set of old gates not seen before so went up the track to investigate with Portly Lucy and friend - owners caught us and asked if we wanted her - I told her we had seen the derelict looking gate to which she said the place was not derelict - Oops! She then got very chatty, told us she used to breed dalmations and now just had 4 and did we want to see them! I of course said yes! The house was bizarre - pre-fab and cluttered with a fine selection of old gnomes outside the front door and all manner of things inside - definite hoarding going on! The dogs were gorgeous and 3 unlike any Dalmation I had seen before! Very friendly, the black one which looked like a cross between a dog and a sheep, just wanted to lick me to death!  Lucy very scared! The owner was delighted that the brown and white dalmation approached me as she is usually very scared of strangers! She is her husbands third wife and they don't socialise in Calstock - which is odd as they were uber friendly if a little of the flavour of A League of Gentlemen! She has afacebook page and only posts and follows people with dalmations - including a sheikh in Saudi Arabia!  It all felt like a Dickension Ghost of future life for me! I will become the strange, friendly woman with a hoarding issue and lots of dogs and gnomes - and of course chickens!!!
Right - off to slurp and possibly cry into my soup! 
Whole strange day as usual can be seen here - dentist ones at end if you, like me, don't like the dentist and you want to avoid them!!!

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