
By crome171

... the strong and the quick alone can survive ...

The avenues and alleyways
Where the strong and the quick alone can survive
Look around the jungle, see the rough and tumble, listen to a squealer cry
Then a little later in the morning paper read about the way he died.

I'd be lost for titles without the vast song library out there to draw on. With thanks to Mr T Christie for this one. Makes little sense, but does have the word 'alleyways' in the chorus which is good enough for me. We have plenty of these close to where I live, but this is a particularly long and narrow one. Did feel a little self conscious lurking down this alleyway with my back to any passerby and popping out every now and then to check the image. If anything I fear this alleyway is too well kept - some of the others nearby are much rougher but not as narrow.

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