Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Scottish Assembly

A very busy day in the Weegie household.  Tap and Modern exams for No 2 and No 3, and No 1 headed off to Aberdeen with Mr S to check out the Aberdeen University Open Day.

Secretly I'm hoping she hates it..... Aberdeen is TOO far away from me.  My umbilical cord won't stretch that far - and I would NEVER be able to pop in for a cuppa tea without warning her (to check the curtains are straight, and the is something in her fridge apart from Bacardi !).

No 3 has been learning all about Edinburgh Landmarks and Scottish Inventors.  The P3/P4s put on the MOST marvellous assembly ! Even The Proclaimers appeared as guest stars !

It was a very slick production. No one forgot their lines. The singing was wonderful, enthusiastic and in tune!

No 3 played the part of a lady from the very 'posh' Balmoral Hotel - who advised the American tourists that the 'Balmoral tower Clock is ALWAYS 3 minutes fast - and no one is late for their train!'.   She insisted on smart business wear (tartan!), high heels and we even made her a Balmoral Hotel name badge.

The children had a wonderful time.  Sadly I didn't have a spare tape for the video camera - but I managed to save a few songs on my camera (now I just need to work out how to get them OFF the memory card!.

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