Red Dragon

Dean is up visiting, this week, and tonight we took Dan and Abi out for dinner. Abs is going through a phase of preferring to eat in but I'm not sure if this is to do with her recent(ish) conversation to vegetarianism or just a manifestation of the fact that she's reached that age where she prefers to be in her bedroom.

We were going to go to Avanti but we couldn't get a table, so we went next door to the Red Dragon, which changed hands a while ago. It was actually very pleasant and the food was - without wishing to damn it with faint praise - above average. In fact, Abi loved her meal, which kind of made the evening.

Dean is a friend that I made through Twitter and I was just about to write about that when I remembered something that another Twitter friend wrote a while ago. You can read it here. It says a lot of what I'd like to say about Twitter, except more wittily and more cleverly.

PS I don't mean to do myself down as a writer; I enjoy writing and I do it pretty much daily. It's something that I work at. But whatever you do, the chances are that there will be people who are more gifted than you. We should enjoy those people and learn from them!

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