My New Pool

2years 220days

Katie, bless her, decided this morning was a tired morning. She went back to bed about 10.30, and slept til about 12, catching up after an action packed weekend. During her sleep, a new bike seat was delivered. This was a frustrating purchase as it was the result of hte fact our beautiful, brandnew bike was stolen last week, so this is a replacement. She woke up and troughed quite a bit of food before "helping" me with the bike seat. She wandered round with an allan key and an instruction manual "Fixing things".

Early afternoon we were about to set off to town to do a quick job when my phone rang. It was her nursery, ringing to inform me that her nursery will be closing. On Thursday. For Good. Katie was scheduled to be there one full day a week until I go back to uni in October. I have paid for all those sessions.

Anyway, knowing there is a nursery full of parents trying to find places for their children Right Now, I went round to a nursery I had considered for her when the situation at her nursery had first seemed wobbly, 4 months ago now. I filled the forms in there and then and she can start full time in October in their preschool. I cant do anything about the summer until I find out about my money. But I still need to do a ring round of the other nurseries. It would be nice to have her at one where she knows at least one of the transferring children.

We then headed to town and had a lovely walk and a coffee, before we came back and got straight in the pool. In the two days since we filled it, the difference in the water temperature is incredible. Her and LittleFriend, and me, had a wonderful time for a good hour. Its plenty big enough for me to swim round playing chase and the perfect depth for them to jump and splash. Definite success and really nice way to turn off from everything else for a while. We'll be spending a lot of time in there this summer, I suspect.

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