Wigwam completed

As you can see, this is a wigwam for beans to climb on.

The weekend has involved a lot of preparation of the ground, and then pushing the sticks in. Barnes Wallis and the geodetic airframe (eg Wellington) lives on!

We can't push the sticks into the ground too roughly. The poles are rather old now (thanks @ViolaMaths): they probably date from more than 15 years ago. Pushing them too hard leads to their fracture (experimental observation).

When all was completed, and the plants, grown from seed, were put in, the sun was certainly below the yard-arm, as the remaining sunlit patches show. This sunlight effect was really the excuse for submitting my contribution.

The CD/DVD coasters (see § below) are there in a possibly vain attempt to keep birds away: I think that birds are scared when the disks are hung up and sway in the wind. However, we keep our fingers crossed, because in the past scurrying birds have often snapped the young shoots. We try a different patch each year to try to find one that is relatively pest-free yet fertile...

§ Whatever my colleagues might think, these coasters were not all generated on the same day...

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