A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

May cause blurry vision

And the bloody rest!!! When I take these babies, it feels like my eyeballs are trying to climb across the bridge of my nose and move to the opposite side from where they are - I feel like the boy in the Lynx advert with the wibbly eyes.

My absence for the last few days has been largely to do with initially not being able to get onto blip - which worried me more than I am happy to admit to non-blippers. But then its been because frankly, I am ill. And not with a cold. But there is something amiss in Hebs World!

Really bad abdominal pains on Friday night, continued on saturday, subsided on Sunday somewhat. Went to work on Monday and felt really poorly, in fact the last time I felt this bad was when I initially was diagnosed with my gallstones over 3 years ago.

I finally gave up on Monday night and accepted that I had to go to the Doctors, which I did on Tuesday. My initial worries that maybe it was my appendix were laid to rest when the Doctor gave me an abdominal exam and I nearly shot through the ceiling when he prodded in my pelvic area. "Did that hurt?" he asked as he pressed again, andthen a third time just to make sure!

The upset - blood tests tomorrow, referral for a scan (Are you in Bupa, my NHS Doctor asked! No says I , I pay my taxes, I will wait for months ....its OK!) and Buscopan in the meantime - antispasmodic drug to relieve spasms and pain in the abdomen.

So now we wait.


And yes, despite the bravado, I am worried. And so, so tired.

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