A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

'Icky things


Not for me - I don't do cheese with mould, or anything else in it....a nice piece of crumbly cheshire, or some strong mature cheddar, or some emmental melted on toast, or fresh parmesan shaved onto pasta....I like my cheeses....

.... but if its blue, I don't eat it.

Nor do I eat 'snotty' cheeses e.g Camembert or Brie.

However, I love my better half enough that when I go and do the food shopping, I buy him things that he likes too - which today included a chunk of stilton, a whole camembert and a jar of pickled beetroot.

I'm not sure who said it, but I saw it on a t-shirt once "I don't put 'icky things in my mouth"

Enough said!!!

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