
By TBay

Grandpa and Aunty!

I just had to publish this one! lLttle Miss Tbay Jnr is only three days old but she already has a fan club!! Here are two of them. Miss Tbay is quite besotted by her new niece and of course behind is doting Grandpa. However as will all innocent looking children they can be a lottle difficult and the two hours sleep the new parents got last night is testoment to that.!! Of course she has been a model child today!

Domestic duties for me. A lot of catching up on jobs I have been meaning to do for some time. There must be a whiff of spring cleaning in the air!

For Mr Tbay a day of both desk work (A new tennant signed up tody) and more rolling.

Farming - Two boys on compost hauling. Mr Tbay rolling and Mr Tbay Jnr on topping.

Pip and Lula have taken to phoebe better than I would have thought. Lula just wants to be as near as possible, and Pip is rather ambivalent!  We shall, of course,  never leave baby and dogs alone, but with us there they are are both quite relaxed about the new addition to their pack!! In fact I think Lula thinks she is a puppy!!

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