
By Madchickenwoman

Wrong trousers or seeing the point?

This is my entry for Hobbs's widwed04. But I'm not sure it qualifies apart from maybe distortion, as no particular leading lines and its not so much foreground interest as all foreground!! But it is seeing the point - as follows! 
Nellie of the Woods's partner The Artist, made this, and it originally  had a half jacket, hat, a foot and a shoe. He made it in response to the unemployment  many years ago in the Thatcher years, the workmens dungarees now empty, redundant. As an art piece it has a history all its own as it was banned in two places as being too controversial! The hat was on the floor and there was a sign reading:-

I am a sculpter
My work is not for sale.
It's a busk.
I'm a beggar.
I depend on my hat to exist and go on producing "Not for Sale Art."
Feel free to use my hat.

This is why it was banned at a National Trust House and an Art gallery for being too controversial and for begging!
The Artist is not interested in selling his work, nor how it is perceived by the viewer. He is concerned with "his relationship to the art piece and the space that exists between him and it." He originally studied Economics at the LSE and lived with a group of artists, many now famous. However he became disillusioned with the "Art World" and withdrew from it. He has followed his interests wherever they lead him, and is a mean musician as a member of Phat Bollard! Also a good roofer and pretty handy with a piece of lead!
So, do you "See the point" of his Art?!!!!! He does and thats all that matters to him! 

P.S. or maybe I should have used this - but I didn't see the point!

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