A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

She's got a golden ticket!

About time we had a good news day around here. And here's the girl to give it to us.

Early morning outing to audition for a double bass course at the Royal College of Music. I was totally intimidated by this unfamiliar and frankly slightly overwhelming environment. Anna took that aspect much more in her stride and focused on the short term task of being nervous about the audition itself. It all passed without incident (well once I had been corrected on the best way to store a double bass) and she came out with a big grin on her face. It's so lovely how happy playing it makes her. We won't find out how she did for a while but if nothing else comes of it she can now say she has played her bass at the RCM.

And then back to school for her* for a small amount of schooling before I met up with one of her godmothers to go and watch her school show. A riot of entertainment based on their topics of JK Rowling and Roald Dahl. This was during the golden ticket dance.

And finally this evening her regular double bass lesson which I practically had to drag her out of.

Just for the record, Albi did some half-decent (ish) walking on her lead, J spent another day broken in the house but I did manage to persuade him to shower and put actual clothes on, and Carl and I both did some work. And now we are out for dinner in our current favourite pub.

It is of course entirely possible that Anna has some strange sci-fi thing going on where she is draining all the energy from the rest of us to fuel herself. It certainly feels that way. An alternative perspective would be that her continued exuberance and joie de vive is helping keep us all sane.

Lesley x

*home for me to deal with puppy messes. If I were writing this blip about my day it would basically be "cleaned up poo, carried a double bass".

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