Kærhave Skov

Biscuit was limping, when we came home from all the running on the beach last Saturday, but it was weekend, so I let him take it easy for a few days and on Monday morning, when I could ring the vet or chiropractor, he didn't limp anymore.

He has been fine all week, but yesterday after training, he was limping on the same leg again, so I contacted our doggie chiroprator this morning and she had time to see us this afternoon. 

The injury was not serious, but he needs to be walked on lead for a couple of day, to give it a chance to settle after being put right. 

We found a new place to walk in Ringsted on the way home. Kærhave Skov (forest) - it was nice and there were little maps available, so we actually knew where we were and how long it would take to get back to the car. This lovely chap greeted us, when we got there. 

Yipeeeee weekend! Enjoy!

See you tomorrow.
Emmy and the Hazyland Boys

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