
By FergInCasentino


I've hardly been out in the last week. This cold. Down on my chest. And blogs to be written. 3,245 page views.

A new and tentative one. Posted on the Quiet. Samizdat. My favourite quite, American do-gooder puts a stop to breaking of balls.

The possies lording it on the FB site, rampant with 'the love', castigating all who fail to share 'the way', the risen leader pinned to the top.

'No to the negative trolling critics', they seem to be shouting. But I probably exaggerate. Social media - thousands of pinpoints of loneliness keening in the dark.

My attempt to take a more balanced view in the vacuum of information. Those new owners. Gotta love 'em. Jeff and Bobby.

Down at the Bay the air is chill and sun flattened against the muted colours. Come on spring. Exceptional gales forecast.

Just been watching Vic and Bob in smart tv House of Fools. The last two episodes are brilliant.

'A face like a pound of whelks in a gym bag' being my favourite line.

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