
It took me a long time to discover this beach. I had, for years, bemoaned the lack of a good, sandy bit of coastline nearby without ever really putting much effort into finding one.

Then, last year (or maybe the year before) when Hannah was going to the Isle of Man to see her then boyfriend, I took her to the ferry and came across this place. The Minx and I subsequently brought Dan and Abi here for the evening of the summer solstice, last year, and we've been back a couple of times since. 

Today we dropped Dan off to see his girlfriend in Lancaster and took the miniMinx and Abi across to the beach. There's a little café at one end and we plonked ourselves down in there while the girls went out to run along the beach and play on the rocks. It was a highly agreeable arrangement!

I had a lovely evening, too, as Izzy is back from Budapest, so we went out for a belated birthday meal to Avanti. She bought me some lovely presents, including this, with this inscription.

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