
So, yesterday was I griping about Amazon BUT I did say that I loved the wish lists (amongst other things) and last week I was also griping about some aspects of present buying (here). I kind of have to take a bit of that back, actually, as my parents bought me this coffee grinder for my birthday after they saw it on my wish list.

The days are long past where my parents bought me things I really wanted but couldn't afford (like my Action Man helicopter) and I completely understand that, for them (and a lot of other people), I'm very difficult to buy for. This is where wish lists come into their own: my folks could choose a present for me from a whole load of things that I rather fancy having but *not quite* enough to buy for myself.

And I am delighted with the coffee grinder. By coincidence, when the Minx and I were in Inverness, last weekend, I bought a moka pot, so tomorrow I'm going to buy some beans from Booths and then I can make my own coffee from scratch. Well, sort of.

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