Upside down baby

Teething monster somehow got in around 1:30am, each time I sent them packing they found a new way into Woms room, on the hour, every hour until 5:30, by which time I was beyond shattered.

Daddy took Munchie and Wom downstairs around 6:30 and I snoozed till 7:30. Up dressed and took Munchie on a mission to the sorting office to collect a parcel we have a sneaky feeling had been dumped still ours, as well as card left. No parcel at sorting office. Onto ballet. Home briefly to change out of ballet clothes and quick trip to lidl. Home. Lunch.

Decided to go to Croome to blast the cobwebs, was lovely. Sadly Munchie took a nasty tumble and ended up with a nasty graze on her hand which left her quite distraught.

Hastily cooked a spag Bol for them both for tea. Demolished. Two umpa lumpas later.

Wom has struggled from about 5pm, the inky way to get him to giggle was to make him an upside down baby!

Busy day tomorrow, hoping for decent kip, in bed already (8:30)

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