Life with Alice

By elirin

Geocaching Pizza Event #17

I'll let Blipbear have a go at this, as he might be doing this in my place next week. /Alice

Linköping, Östergötland, Sweden was a gloomy and rainy place today. Kiwi and me benefitted from this by snoozing the whole day in our elevated position on the birch secretaire. Alice had to go for walkies anyway, of course.

It was good that we were rested and fit because tonight, elirin and altopiano went to a geocaching pizza event close to where we all live. Fortunately, polar bears and kiwis were allowed, so we could come along and meet a whole bunch of Swedish geocachers. Many took our picture to log that they discovered us at They were impressed with all our pins and badges from all over the world, and our written diaries. We saw a lot of other Travel bugs as well.

No dogs. Sorry Alice. We'll all go tomorrow.

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