yet another day

By yetanotherday

The Olympics is coming...

I had to drop my brother off at Dorney Lake today and there are workmen everywhere putting up the grandstands ready for the Olympics. There weren't any rowers out today, which seems a shame on such a lovely day.

Quick whinge... I know that most people are looking forward to the Olympics, but I'm dreading it. The two places where my husband works (West London and Weymouth) will be badly affected, so he might end up not going into work some days and as he is a contractor we will lose money. It's all very well the government telling people to work from home, but that's not always possible... whinge over.

Anyway, it's another beautiful day, B and I have been for a walk and after lunch I'm going to do a few jobs in the garden. I hope that everyone sees some sun today and you're not all stuck inside at work.

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