Ever since A could stand, she has been standing like this in front of the tv. Perhaps I should take her to ballet!

Another roasty toasty day today. We ventured out to the department store, where my Gran found a jacket she has been looking for (for ages!) and she bought me a lovely purple maxi dress. I am quite sure that now I am prepared for summer, its going to disappear and I am going to be very cold in all my beautiful summer clothes. Afterwards we went to Waitrose Cafe for a drink and did some bird watching whilst we were there - who would have thought? A baby sparrow was learning to fly beside the window, and it managed to get itself into a trolley but couldn't squeeze out and obviously didn't know how to fly out. The parent bird kept coming back to check on it and eventually it made it out of the trolley but only to the ground where it seemed a little stuck! Home for lunch but A fell asleep into her houmous (a messy place to fall asleep, I tell you that).

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