A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Room with a view

For the Northern folks still awaiting their blossom. Slightly belies the windy, squally weather we had for most of the night and day mind. So despite this lovely blue sky I didn't mind too much that it was mainly an inside day for me. And a pretty good one as I finally ticked some of the nagging things off my list. Don't get me wrong, nothing so exciting as having cleared the list but progress in any form is not to be knocked.

Kids had a fun outing to a climbing centre with Peri. Great success, especially as tomorrow is our last Peri day for a while as he has got himself an acting job over the summer. And good for J to do something fun, even if he did need a 3 hour sleep to recover. Which may sound like a lot but is a huge improvement on a week ago. So far this week the half day activity, half day rest approach seems to be working.

Lesley x

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