Day tripper.......

The bikes were ready and waiting this morning and after a few adjustments we set off back into the forest. Great fun but hard work cycling into the strong winds....and I just cannot get the hang of the gears!! Crash landed a couple of times but no damage done.

Then by car to Lyndhurst, where we had ice cream..sitting inside an amazing coffee house, and where I also added a few rows to a scarf being knitted for charity. Maybe I'll pick up knitting again.....

Onto Lymington and the marinas and we watched the Isle of Wight ferry return from a day trip. It was HUGE next to the yachts bobbing in the rough waters. Several families were sitting on the harbour wall braving fish and chips in the biting wind.

Back to the hotel for a quick swim and sauna/jacuzzi... a relaxing bath...and another delicious dinner presented as a work of art and really looking too good to eat. 

A great day! I shall sleep well again.....! 

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