
By Memories4Me

Rudy, profile

Dear Diary,

I photograph Rudy or Gaylord nearly everyday. Sometimes I think they are actually posing for me!  Rudy stayed very still this time, unusual for this cheeky fellow, and I loved the way the light outlined his chin and neck and that red tuft on the back of his head!  So, today it's Rudy's turn to shine!

I was having a lot of static on my phone line and the man came to repair it yesterday.  He said a squirrel had nibbled the box on the pole and water had gotten in.  I am sure Rudy or Gaylord would never do something like that!  Must have been their rascally cousins!  Oh, the joy of country living!

There has been some melting, mostly in the southerly exposed areas of the yard.  On the north side of the potting shed it is still two feet deep! will be awhile yet before I see my daffodils I'm afraid.

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