
By Madchickenwoman


Meet Beefy! He is my friends 7 month old puppy! He does have another front paw and tooth so don't get alarmed! He is the friendliest brute, a power house of muscle! Also a little stupid! Fell in the pond as he didn't know it was a pond! 
I was helping Gardener friend measure up a garden she is landscaping and she was looking after Beefy for her daughter. Although he had a habit of running over and pulling the tape measure out of alignmnet, he was a very good puppy! 
The house she has been hired to landscape was just fascinating - 16th century Tudor with Georgian and Victorian add ons. So many original features which the previous owner was delighted to tell us about. She now lives next door and it is obviously a delight and nightmare for her to be so close to somewhere she lived happily with her husband for many years. The house also had a huge derelict barn I had the most fun photographing - but alas the owners are ultra sensitive about privacy and I cannot show any!! Devastated! But at least I had this one of Beefy I can show! face only a mother could love comes to mind!
It was great fun doing the measurements - and very exacting and at times dangerous - guess who had to make their way down the back of the border by the barn with the tape measure! Loads of brambles that snared me! I felt  a little like Sleeping beauty entangled in the thorns! I did find a cute old bird nest in the aged clematis which delighted me! 
Upon returning home I had a chat and made a cuppa for the bloke doing the paintwork on my neighbours house - he had started it before she fell ill and is now finishing it for her sons. He is feeling rather shaky at working in the terrace as everyone he works for is ending up in hospital - he is due to do some work for me!!! 
I had been shocked on leaving the house first thing as the sons had cut her favourite camelia  to the ground - although it was too big where it was and blocked both light and the pathway at times, it was the most beautiful one I had ever seen - deep green glossy leaves with white flowers that opened flat like some roses, I'm sure this flowering habit has a name but I can't remember of find it in a google search! She told me how her brother had grown a cutting for her from his - I believe she said it was quite unusual and possibly her brother had cultivated it. It rather symbolised the fact that she herself had been felled before her time and was gone. I took some cuttings and will try to root them - but I fear the chances of success are slim. 
The afternoon I spent with my old school friend, we called ourselves Hinge and Bracket, being two of the oldest teachers from the old school under the old head, I was Bracket! She has now sold her house in Plymouth and bought one in Peterborough and is thriving in her new school and so much happier and relaxed. We had the usual lunch, walk and then scones at Cotehele - Chocolate chip scones with nutella and clotted cream today!!
Got home to find a message from the dentist - I am to have an appointment with the dentist and anaesthetist at Plymouth Hospital end of May!! Oh joy! That bloody place once more! I am going to get a map of the place and shade in all the areas and wards i have been in to visit people, children, have appointments and procedures myself! I swear it will be fully coloured in! I have been so mindful I have almost convinced myself my teeth are fine and nothing is going to happen - I know of course it isn't! But I will carry on pretending for as long as possible!! Looking again at Beefy I think there are some similarities!!

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