
By Madchickenwoman

G'd Evening Calstock!

What a crappy day - what a wonderful evening sight to restore me to a better frame of mind!
A right old mizzle again - in which I opened chickens and walked Portly Lucy. Both pleasant, chickens doing their usual getting in my way as I poop picked, and Doris persistently squawking in my ear as she sat in the nesting box laying her blue egg! As I was taking Photographs of the fine set of trees another dog came snuffling up, and the owner complimented me on my Ilse Jacobsen red knee length lace up boots - always music to my ears! Walking back down through the woods I delighted in the rain drops and misty views.  
Filmman dropped in to collect some eggs, and we had a pleasant coffee and a chat, after which I played around with my tree photographs and ordered my take away from The Saucereres who make food on a friday night and serve from the village hall kitchens. One of the coop women is part of the duo and she is a damn fine cook. Tonight it was Delicious ribboned rump steak, delicate Thai Fish cakes or mushroom Foo yung omelettes - all served on vegetable noodles with a fragrant spring onion, ginger and garlic tamari sauce. Sides of crispy seaweed, vegetable spring rolls prawn crackers and Thai shrimp cracker.
After a tidy up and snooze it was off to the chickens for bedtime. To my delight there was a near full moon, so lots of trying to capture this as I cleaned the trays and put away the food. Then into the village where I picked up my food ( extra portions as I was the last one, and she had drawn a chicken on my order form! ) and was captivated by the sight of the village in the evening light
So whilst the various parts of the day had given me pleasure, it was fleeting, no lingering feeling of well being, just little rises from my otherwise stagnant frame of mind.But with the moon, the village looking just so beautiful, excellent food which I have posted a photo of as mere words cannot describe just how fantastic it was, and a blip I am happy with, I am ending the day in a better mood. I only hope I wake up in the same mood, as I seem incapable of understanding why I feel like this but I don't like it, I like it even less because I cannot seem to control it. 
I remember reading an article about how people are on a hedonistic treadmill - constantly seeking ways to keep a high, through material or physical endeavours, never satisfied, constantly seeking the next experience to keep them up. The article also spoke about people having an individual  baseline of happiness which they would always revert to, and that how some people required extreme activities to give them a lift. I seem to have fallen below my baseline at present and am only reaching my equilibrium for brief periods before falling again. Maybe it is various little things adding up  or maybe something else I cannot isolate but I am fed up with it and me! 
So -  I end the day in a much better frame of mind - thanks to the most delicious food, a glass of prosecco and photographs of a village and life I love and  am happy with. Tomorrow lets hope this better frame of mind is still there and that the day unfolds with me being happy and delighted for what it brings, not flat with occasional lifts!

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