
By Jennynlper

Sport again ...

... well, running, that is! My second run, having given up running more than a year ago. My incentive: to avoid osteoporosis, having seen the devastating effect on my mum in the last couple of years. 

I'm enjoying running far more than I used to. The step counter is set for 40:20 seconds running and walking alternately. Allegedly, this trickery helps to reduce the risk of straining muscles and lactic acid build up, but I can't remember the logic of this strategy as it was explained to me back then. 

I pulled an old Guardian sport supplement (unread) out of the cupboard where I keep newspaper to line the hen house upon which to dry my mucky and wet trainers, and by sheer chance, this is what composed itself for today's blip. Hurrah for serendipity.

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