After Grub

No I am not after grub, altho I am happy to consider any opportunities that present (asyoudo) themselves. What I mean is this image was fruitphoned after grub and The Boss and ME left urgently when The Bossess started watching The Sound of Music on TV 'Cos she was to tired to go and work like she was supposed to and The Boss couldn’t stand to see the TV set melt down with component failure caused by that program… we left.

As it transpired (Thats perspired when you are on a Tram…OK?)
the hills actually were alive as we spotted this shot after The Boss had spent a useless 10 mins trying to make ducks fly into the sunset by advancing on them with his fruitphone. Being ducks they just swam further into the lake….no surprises there but it did give the moon time to position itself so all's well that ends well.....I suppose.

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