Morning Run

This could have been ME but I was in the Bark of Suzz and The Boss was fruit phoning thru the front window to get this moment. We had been dispatched by The Bossess who was having another bending moment at the Vets, to get her dry cleaning but being Wanaka on a Saturday the place that is a depot for this is not open till 10.00 so we had to kill time and get a blip at the same time. 
Good news The Clock survived (didn’t get killed) and the Blip happened too plus the dry cleaning got picked up, The Bossess's leg got bent AND this afternoon we all went on the biggest walk yet for almost an hour. The Bossess did the short bits and WE went the long way a lot faster. It was great as I kept meeting her so had all the excitement of that several times. I am always pleased to see The Bossess. Well actually I am always pleased to see anyone I have met before.
 I was NOT pleased last night when some of our more responsible town visitors considered that Easter calls for FIREWORKS at 1.00 in the morning. This is a downside to our town. Fireworks are only sold for a couple of weeks a year but there is no limit to hoarding and firing them off anytime you like. So they fired them off in the middle of gale wind conditions like any responsible sober person would.    
Some things our country does well but Fireworks is NOT one of them. 
I guess that this is a bit MY fault too, as I do get quite loud, when fast asleep and surprised with loud noises.


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