Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Looking Smart

Well, today as you know, was my first day in my new school job...okay, it was really the induction day but nonetheless important, and I had a great time....
It was quite nice though, as there were another 2 new staff members starting also.
We began at 9:30, with getting our name badges, as you can see in the pic... I'm very proud of mine, as I have my full name, and because I'm in management, I got the whole kit and caboodle, the other 2 had just their first names..not that I'm
We then proceeded to be talked through the employee guidelines and handbook, which again was funny, as the GM kept referring to me, as I obviously have full charge of the hotel in the absence of my the obviously don't know me, putting me in as well as C.O.S.H.H. and Licensing etc....
After a late breakfast of Almond Croissants made by the pastry chef, nom nom, we did our tour of the hotel, looking in virtually every nook and cranny, as well as meeting and greeting every department member that was there. It was funny, as the F & B Manager, the guy who hired me, didn't recognise me due to my change of hair
Lunch followed...2 courses, followed by coffee & shortbread,note to self...must not eat everything I see as this will result in tears, lack of clothes, burst buttons, and then we did a tour of the hotel grounds, as well as the function room.
We finished about 5pm, and on leaving, I learned that due to staff sickness etc, I am being thrown totally in at the deep end tomorrow...I start at 12, and will be basically in charge as the F&B Manager needs a day off...but instead, I will have the GM as my host for the, panic... Great!!!
So, since Ive got home, I've been panic swatting and learning, in the vain hope that I may be able to know enough in order to blag it tomorrow, as well as impress the GM, the servers, and the guests!!!....arghhhhh!!!...

So, in my learning general bumph about the hotel and various menus etc, " I got to thinking "....

What little things could I tell you, interest, bore you rigid and half to death, excite and educate you with regarding the hotel...All you in Blip land consider yourselves knighted though, as you are helping me in my education, as well as saving me from being prematurely
1...The Hotel has been owned by the same family since 1952, when it was converted into a small hotel...
2...There are 6 parasols on the south lawn bearing a champagne logo....each one cost £350....Eh???.....really!!!
3...It is the oldest established country house in the area, and was the first country house in Scotland...
4...Each room has a really cool a steiff bear that has a badge saying "do not disturb"...when you don't want to be disturbed, you pop him outside your door, and he "Guards" your room....honestly, I'm not into bears and dolls etc, I find them slightly gross, but believe me, this bear is mega cute!!!!
5...The Music bar has over 130 whiskys...of which I need to know....hmmmm
6...I get to wear a really cooool badge with a lovely logo of the hotel....its the little things that excite me really....hehehehe
7...The chef is great, the food is incredible esp dessert...heres an example...Cinnamon and Bee pollen Genoise, Granny Smith sorbet with a spherified nutmeg brûlée....I tried it, and its to die for....the chef forms the sphere using sodium alginate and calcium chloride...this cooking using chemicals just blows me away!!!!
8...The present owner lived in the hotel as a child, and her old bedroom is actually now the accounts office...
9...They grow their own flowers for the hotel as well as vegetables, herbs and even micro-herbs on the 10 acres grounds...thanks to their full time gardener, and also have a putting green and driving range net...
10...They are unwittingly letting me loose in the place tomorrow.....and I'm absolutely terrified!!!!....and I'm a little scared, but very excited...arghhhh!!!

Anyway, thank you Blippers firstly for all your kind words and support for yesterdays blip, it means a lot, and thank you for letting me bore you today...:-)...I am most grateful!!!!!

" But I have fun with the fright, work with it. You have to - thats your timing, that beat of excitement. And when I go on stage, its just like taking a step into heaven. Poof, you know ? Poof - and there I am "
eddie bracken

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