Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Not enough hands !!!!!

I must apologise for my Blip today, and warn you that it is not for the faint hearted...Much Ranting ensues.....

So, I know this is a daily journal, and is light hearted and fun, but for those of you that know my blips, you have come to expect Exactly what I am thinking on each particular day, and today is going to be no different.....

I took this photograph of Scotts Piano this morning, while he was getting ready to head to Glasgow.....He was up practising until 12:30 last night, not that you would see though, with the phone, computer, and Diary...also if you look very closely, you will see my name penciled in....Thats to remind him that we are trying to get Monday together...hmmm. When I eventually dragged him to bed...From about 2:30am until 5:30 am when he had to get up, we had a horrible night.....The poor man is stressed to the eyeballs and I'm so worried about him....He was tossing and turning, broke out in a crazy cold sweat, slightly delirious, nauseous, and terribly unwell.....and why????....Becuase there aren't enough hours in the day to do what is expected of him....
Its constantly Demands Demands Demands !!!!!....
Now is the most important time in the academic calendar, and on top of everything else from day to day, he is also expected to rehearse with, and accompany nearly 140 pupils for their end of term exams...and all in 3 weeks...Mental!!!!....
Anyway, " I got to thinking"... How on under god does this man cope with all the demands..??? is a snippet of what he has to contend with..???
1...Answer texts sent from pupils trying to get rehearsals for their exams...
2...Be at Voice, Wind, Brass and String exams...even if they clash!!!...sometimes a 1 minute window to get from one part of the building to the other...
3...Answer personal emails regarding outside concerts and gigs organised for solo work...
4...Answer Conservatoire emails from heads of departments needing him for a exam that has been rescheduled...and probably resulting in another clash
5...Speak to and be courteous to pupils and professors alike when they stop him in the corridor demanding 1 minute of his time....He actually says to them..."I can spare you the time it takes me to get to my next exam, but you're going to have to walk with me"...ive found myself say these words when I've been busy
6...Try and find time through all this to actually have a pee...dont mention the tea break or lunch break, its non-existent!!!!
7...Learn the music for the afore mentioned 140 pupils...some of it can be quite tough, even to a genius like him...
8...Try and put together a course guide for potential new accompaniment students entering the building...Thats something he's been trying to find time for, since January!!!!
9...Practise for a very important personal concert Scott has on 22nd June in Glasgow, and funnily has no time to practise, not to mention music for the festival in Islay, a flute course and the world Saxophone congress....
10...Actually, find time to have a life....hahahaha....maybe on 28th August...for a week, before it all kicks off again!!!!

Im so sorry about this rant, but I'm so worried about him , and this is what has been on my mind, I thought id just go for it....On a plus side, I start my new job tomorrow......Eeeeeek!!!!

"Nothing is as far away as one minute ago"
jim bishop

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