"Milking it? Me??"

Far be it from me to suggest that Vinnie is using his "invalid " status to gain special privileges, but he is at the moment one pampered pooch. I have, in fact, just brought back a substantial Chinese takeaway purely so he can get his prawn crackers! (Ok, so there might have been an ulterior motive behind that... ;)

Seriously: He seems to be doing very well. I'm amazed at how quickly he's adapting to his new style of getting around, he seems in very good spirits (the hang dog look here is mainly due to the fact that he hates getting his photo taken!), and he's got an excellent appetite (though he's spurning the expensive "invalid nosh" brought back from the vets in favour of cheap tinned dogfood!). We have to treat the wound a couple of times a day at the moment and dose him with various medicines, and tomorrow we'll take him back to the vet to be checked over.

Thank you all SO much for your kind thoughts and wishes while Vinnie's been going through the medical rollercoaster ride of the last couple of weeks. It's been great to know he's had so many friends out there thinking about him, and the kindness of one blipper (you know who you are! :), who researched similar conditions in related breeds to try to help Vinnie, left me almost speechless. 

More updates to come, but for now it just feels wonderful to have our dear old Vince back at home :)

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