One Thousand Blips!


I would like to raise a glass of Hop Klin sparkling rosé of Pinot Noir to Lady Findhorn, who persuaded me to embark on this journey, to all of you who have faithfully commented, encouraged and been my companions along the way. and last but certainly not least to OilMan who has put up with this obsession for almost three years now. Since it is, of necessity, a virtual sip for all of you, OilMan and I have just emptied the glasses. I wish you could all be here to share it with us…now THAT would be a party!

I have learned a lot from you, met some of you personally, and hope to meet more. As many have said before me, this is an incomparable community.  which has recently withstood trial by fire and, despite lingering uncertainties, has come out stronger for it.

I am having the Blipfoto Forever collage, of a thousand blippers virtually holding hands around the globe made into a poster as a testament to this wonderful group of people with the motto, "Be Excellent."  I hope it continues to be so for a long time to come.

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