2001, an oddity

I did some calculations.  I joined blipfoto on 29 December 2010 so this is consecutive blip 1558.  I will get to the REAL 2000 blips in mid June 2016. Still a few to go. 

I woke up and thought about swimming but I'm still too tired and the politics stuff on 'Today' was much more interesting.  I did go out, to the PO to buy and send sympathy cards.  Home for 'Mr Tesco' who decided to bring beef, not lamb.  That's no use.

It meant a trip to Straiton.  I'd have had to go anyway - to get choc eggs. 
Then it was the garden.  My first foray this year and I was out there till 7 p.m.  

It is so relaxing and engaging gardening.  Spring is definitely later this year and I am sure some of my daffodils have gone missing!  I fed the lawn, removed the dead plants from the summerhouse then attacked the weeds and declared war on the Welsh poppies and the Spanish bluebells.  My garden is infested with them.  I managed to dig out some of the younger ones nearer the surface but the others are so deep rooted it is almost impossible to get the.  I am resorting to pulling off the leaves in the hope that eventually the bulb will give up.  I am told they are almost impossible to kill chemically. 

The weather was good, dry (at last) and not too warm. The sun came out in the evening and I even got some washing hung out and dry.   And I have a very, very full brown bin.

The sons are out.  I'm catching up with 'Indian Summers', only because it was filmed on Penang, not India. 

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