
By Valerie1940


Visited the RSPB reserve at Lakenheath Fen this afternoon. 20 years ago this was farmland - it has been managed to recreate the natural fen wetland and is a lovely place to visit. In the couple of hours I spent there I saw Crested Grebe, Swan, Coot, Heron, Marsh Harrier and this Reed Bunting - so beautifully camouflaged in its natural habitat (I do get these on my bird feeder - lovely to see it in its proper setting) <a href="" title="Reed Bunting by Valerie Kennett, on Flickr"><img 
This lagoon is outside the visitor centre and a collection of feeders along the decking ensure a constant stream of Blue and Great Tits, Sparrows, Goldfinches and Reed Buntings thus giving visitors plenty to see from the start. There are reasonable paths so I was able to trundle my trolley with the camera gear to the more remote areas.

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