Dr Jones

By jones

English homework

I decided to work from home in the morning so that I could crack on with my marking. I managed to get quite a lot done. I had to be at work by lunchtime.

My son came home from school fairly confident he's done well in his exams. Tomorrow he's got biology, french and history. He assures me that he knows everything.

After dinner, I went to bridge club and I was home much earlier than I normally am.
The kids were still up when I got home. My son came downstairs as soon as I walked through the front door to ask if I could buy him a new book. He started a novel on Sunday night and finished it today. Not much revision going on there then !

Daughter #1 has created a power point presentation for English which has a video in it. She said that she can't get it to work at school (different version). Here's my son trying to help her sort it out.

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